22 research outputs found

    The interpretation of OPAC service in the Library of Universitas Airlangga

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    The application of OPAC service in the library has been going on for a long time. This service has given many advantages to users as a quick and accurate tool for information retrieval. Even so, not all people use OPAC service; in fact, previous researches reveal that the application of OPAC service is decreasing. Therefore, this study aims to find out what is the interpretation of OPAC by the users of the library of Universitas Airlangga, thus gaining a deeper analysis on the matter. The method used for this study is qualitative method, with purposive sampling as the technique to determine informants, while the techniques of data collection are done by in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study will be explained using Encoding-Decoding concept from Stuart Hall, which produces three position typologies of the users who used OPAC service in the university library. Those three positions are Dominant/hegemonic position where the users understand the meaning directly according to the purpose of OPAC service; Negotiated position reveals the position of the users who are quite understand the aim of OPAC service; and Oppositional position in which the users who strongly object the library’s purpose to provide a quick and accurate information provider through OPAC service

    Information Institution Services in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic affects all community activities from offices to institutions, including libraries in Indonesia. The Indonesian government eventually implemented \u27work from home\u27 and \u27study from home\u27 policies so as to make institutions such as libraries undergo adjustments, where librarians work at home and visitors are prohibited from leaving the house. Students are also mandated to study at home, causing them unable to visit the library. Because of this policy and pandemic conditions, libraries in Indonesia have begun to adjust their services and make the latest service policies to facilitate their users. Therefore, this research aims to examine what new policies are planned and implemented by libraries in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit of this research is to illustrate that libraries in Indonesia have begun to adjust their services according to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, in hope that the new policies can be reviewed soon. This research uses descriptive quantitative method by examining a sample of 50 libraries, both in state and private universities. The findings of this study emphasize that libraries in Indonesia have maximized e-resources services, and have been running well routinely, while e-resources that are most frequently accessed by users are e-journals. In addition to e-resouces, the service that is maximized is the use of library\u27s social media to promote digital services and conduct creative programs, namely live Instagram and digital seminars through webinars. However, on the other hand the service and program policies are not yet fully innovative and creative. There are still many new policies that can be adopted by libraries in Indonesia such as collection handling policies, collection quarantine, digital storytelling, the addition of e-books and e-magazines, and digital circulation services or normal circulation service but with strict health protocols.Keywords: word; another word; lower case except names

    The Utilization of Flashcards in Children Information Literacy Development

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    A Flashcard is one of the media to develop student information literacy in which its application includes activities of analyzing, writing and telling stories. Storytelling is a process of reading that is useful to increase the courage to appear in public. This research used descriptive method. For preliminary research, we used experiments, making flash cards as learning media for elementary students. After that, the students were interviewed. The results of this study indicate that students are very enthusiastic to start a flashcard game that they think is fun. The benefits of a flashcard game include improving language skills, increasing the ability to compose stories, remembering and memorizing, analyzing a problem, and enriching vocabulary. Apart from the cognitive side, the benefits of a flashcard game can also increase self-confidence, develop good and effective communication, and enhance creativity. The concept of a flashcard is a learning medium by playing. The advantages of flashcards include fun learning media, and simple and attractive shapes as they are pictorial and colorful


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    Literasi pada dasarnya merupakan kemampuan seseorang dalam membaca, menulis, ataupun memecahkan suatu persoalan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang seharusnya sudah melekat pada setiap individu yang hidup dalam era keterbukaan informasi ini. Pada realitanya yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia khususnya, masih banyak masyarakat yang memiliki tingkat literasi rendah. Hal tersebut juga didukung oleh penelitian-penelitian Internasional yang membandingkan tingkat literasi beberapa negara dan menyatakan bahwa Indonesia termasuk dalam negara yang memiliki tingkat literasi yang rendah. Dengan adanya fenomena tersebut pemerintah berusaha untuk mengejar ketertinggalannya dalam bidang literasi dengan berbagai program seperti Taman Bacaan Masyarakat. Salah satu Taman Bacaan Masyarakat yang memiliki keunikan adalah Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Genteng Candirejo. Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Genteng Candirejo merupakan satu-satunya TBM yang memiliki program Bekupon buku. Bagaimana pemanfaatan dari bekupon buku merupakan hal yang ingin kami temukan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada masyarakat pengguna bekupon buku di Genteng Candirejo. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan adanya bekupon buku, masyarakat sekitar Genteng Candirejo tergolong dalam tipe masyarakat yang mampu menggunakan informasi dan dapat menerapkan informasi yang telah diperolehnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya bekupon buku membawa pengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan literasi masyarakat Genteng Candirejo walaupun tidak terlalu signifikan terlihat dalam upaya peningkatan literasi bangsa Indonesia


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    Fenomena perilaku agresi sampai saat ini masih ditunjukkan oleh remaja. Salah satu cara untuk menghindarkan remaja untuk berperilaku agresi adalah dengan menamankan pikiran damai. Ketika remaja mempunyai pikiran damai, maka kekerasan, tawuran, pemerkosaan, dan pembunuhan akan berkurang dan terciptalah perdamaian di dunia remaja. Banyak cara untuk menamkan pemikiran damai kepada remaja saat ini, salah satunya melalui internalisasi pitutur tokoh Markesot. Karya tulis ilmiah ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis Hermeneutika. Penelitian ini adalah metode atau cara menafsirkan simbol berupa teks atau sesuatu yang di perlakukan sebagai teks untuk di cari arti dan maknanya. Teks yang di tafsirkan dalam penelitian ini berupa teks karya Emha Ainun Nadjib yang berjudul Markesot Bertutur Lagi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pikiran damai Markesot dilakukan dengan enam cara. Pertama, berpikir konstruktif ketika melihat dan mengalami suatu fenomena. Kedua, berpikir kritis terhadap peristiwa yang terjadi. Ketiga, memaknai suatu fenomena dengan perspektif yang berbeda. Keempat, memiliki pola pikir bahwa hidup harus dengan pendirian yang positif. Kelima, melihat sebab akibat dari suatu permasalahan. Keenam, berpikir bahwa manusia memiliki kedaulatan terhadap dirinya sendiri. Pola pikir damai yang dimiliki markesot tersebut perlu diinternalisasi remaja sehingga remaja memiliki pola pikir damai dan terhindar dari perilaku agresi

    Serendipity on information searching behavior in use e-journal collection

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    This study aims to determine the behavior of serendipity information seeking among Airlangga University lecturers in the collection of e-journal of Airlangga University library. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. In this case the researcher will describe serendipity in information seeking behavior, as well as see the extent to which the form of library e-journal collection is used. The object of this research is among lecturers in the Airlangga University environment. Serendipity in information search behavior of e-journal collection is supported by the experience of lecturers in conducting information searches, as well as support from the e-journal system itself. The results of this study indicate that serendipity information on information search behavior belongs to the high category. Research on information seeking behavior has been carried out a lot, but serendipity research on information seeking behavior is still very rarely done, especially in Indonesia, there is still no research related to it

    Makerspaces Desa sebagai Sarana Penggalian Potensi Desa untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    VILLAGE MAKERSPACES AS A MEANS OF EXPLORING VILLAGE POTENTIAL FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT. The reality around us is that many Indonesians are considered to be still not independent, they still experience difficulties in meeting their daily primary needs, and still need assistance from the Indonesian government. There needs to be a community empowerment program by the local village government, because it is the closest to the community. One of the community empowerments programs that can increase the level of community economic independence is to develop a makerspace in the village. Makerspaces is a space where creative people gather, learn, and create something. This community service is located in Bogo Village, Kapas District, Bojonegoro Regency which has the Moringa Plant icon. This community service partnered with PKK women and KWT women in Bogo Village. The problems that exist in Bogo Village are that there are still only a few variants of processed Moringa that are sold and the product marketing is still lacking. The solution offered is to develop village makerspaces to explore the village's potential deeper, namely the Moringa plant that grows a lot in Bogo Village, then provide training to make Moringa processed variants and digital marketing of the products that have been made

    Village Library Capacity Building for Community Empowerment: A Case study in East Java, Indonesia

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    The development of information and communication technology makes the process of capacity building a necessity for libraries including those located in rural areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capacity building process of village libraries. The research method used is a case study with a qualitative research approach to obtain detailed and in-depth data. This research was conducted in 3 village libraries located in Karanglo Village, Podoroto Village, and Tondo Wulan Village in Jombang Regency, East Java. The results showed that the village libraries had conducted capacity building with the aim of community empowerment. The capacity building process that has been done includes formulating a new vision and mission, replacing the old organizational structure, providing training for village library managers, and creating a village library program according to the needs of the village community for community empowerment

    The interpretation of OPAC service in the Library of Universitas Airlangga

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    The application of OPAC service in the library has been going on for a long time. This service has given many advantages to users as a quick and accurate tool for information retrieval. Even so, not all people use OPAC service; in fact, previous researches reveal that the application of OPAC service is decreasing. Therefore, this study aims to find out what is the interpretation of OPAC by the users of the library of Universitas Airlangga, thus gaining a deeper analysis on the matter. The method used for this study is qualitative method, with purposive sampling as the technique to determine informants, while the techniques of data collection are done by in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study will be explained using Encoding-Decoding concept from Stuart Hall, which produces three position typologies of the users who used OPAC service in the university library. Those three positions are Dominant/hegemonic position where the users understand the meaning directly according to the purpose of OPAC service; Negotiated position reveals the position of the users who are quite understand the aim of OPAC service; and Oppositional position in which the users who strongly object the library’s purpose to provide a quick and accurate information provider through OPAC service

    Perkembangan wacana tentang citra perpustakaan di internet

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    The library now underestimated by society, because in fact the library is an information agency did not succeed in meeting the information needs of its users. It can be seen from what is provided and is given by the library to the users starting from the facilities, collections, information service or library that user perceived when visiting the library. The failure to be able to form an image of the library in the community, can be a good image or a bad image depend on the perception among people who know how the state library. Formation of the image of the library is not only visible from the user's perception alone, but can be viewed from the responses, assumptions, discourses or opinions about the library. In response, assumptions, discourses or opinions in the form of writings about the library a lot of popping up on the internet either make the library itself or from outside the library, so that from it can form an image. This research was conducted to understand the development of the discourse about libraries and understand the fight discourse about the library on the Internet. The findings of the discourse on the internet were analyzed by using the theory of Power of Michel Foucault who explained that the library has power in created an image of library in the community through the dissemination of knowledge library containing ideology wrote in discourses, so that the community can read discourses and of that can happen to an understanding in the library in the community. Type of research paradigms using qualitative research, making informant discourse using purposive random sampling by taking discourses about the library on the Internet, data analysis techniques using discourse analysis of Sara Mills who see how the position of the subject of the maker of the discourse and the position of the object that is the position of the library in a discourse. Results of this study suggest that the power of libraries spreading knowledge through discourses about the library in the Internet as follows: (1) Library as an institution that is smart, (2) the library as the media fulfilling the information needs of users, (3) the library as a comfortable, ( 4) libraries as a means of recreation, (5) the library close to the society, (6) the library collaborated with the advancement of internet